SOFTWARE Too:株式会社ソフトウェア・トゥー

Palette PICO サポート トップへ戻る



1. 実際のカラーの値


2. カラーパレットとの照合


アプリ表示名 色数 地域
Alescco CS 2.0 518 UK
Astral bât T&C2 1222 France
Behr 1434 USA
Boonstoppel 164 Netherlands
British Standard 479 UK
Caparol 3D 1356 Germany
Chromatic 1170 France
Color Is 1320 USA
COPIC Marker 358 Japan
Conpart Pastell Color & Style 41 Germany
Corona bât CC2 1222 France
Crown 1080 UK
De Vos Editie 06 134 Netherlands
Donald Kaufman 104 USA
Drenth Favorit 154 Netherlands
Drost 7000+ & OHK 177 Netherlands
Dulux Australia 4944 Australia
Dulux Trade 2100 UK
Dunn Edwards 1996 USA
Ecos 1320 USA
Epifanes 94 Netherlands
Farrow & Ball 132 UK
Fine Paints of Europe 96 UK
Gaianotes 68 Japan
Glidden 2016 UK
Global Paint 1050 Collection 1050 Netherlands
Global Paint Compacte Kleur Collection 210 Netherlands
Global Paint Outdoor C-60 60 Netherlands
GSI Creos MR HOBBY 557 Japan
Herbol Design 360 Germany
Herbol Fassaden 365 Germany
Herfst & Helder 86 Netherlands
Keim Exclusiv 213 Germany
Kelly Moore 1615 USA
Levis Colormix 1222 France
Mathys Imagine 1395 Netherlands
Montana Gold 186 USA
Montana MTN94 153 USA
2,009 Sweden
Nelf Monumentenwaaier 60 Netherlands
Olympia Colour Couture Collection 1026 South Africa
Paintsmiths 363 South Africa
Plascon Inspired Colours 1578 South Africa
Plasdox Peintures 1204 1006 France
Plasdox Peintures 198 Façade 198 France
PPG 2052 USA
Profitec Farbsystem 2.0 Vision 846 Germany
Rainbow Paint 1026 Taiwan
RAL Classic (Gloss) 207 Germany
RAL Classic (Semi-Matt) 213 Germany
RAL Design 213 Germany
Ralston 1816 Netherlands
Royal Horticultural Society 896 UK
Sherwin Williams 1260 USA
Sigma Voice of Colour 2052 Netherlands
Signature Blanc 138 France
Signature Gris 192 France
Sikkens 4041 1624 UK
Sikkens 5051 2079 UK
Sikkens Authentieke 12 Netherlands
SPS Basic Combi Colors 70 Netherlands
SPS Color Partner 2 250 Netherlands
Tint 73 Australia
Tollens Totem 1188 France
Trimetal 1222 Netherlands
Unikalo 1027 France
Valspar 1764 USA, UK
Viva Batiment 1029 France
Wijzonol 1816 Netherlands
Zero Color System 720 728 Germany
Zero Fassaden Collection 375 372 Germany
96 Japan
マンセルシステムによる色彩の定規 1089 Japan
122 Japan
慣用色名 *系統色名 269 Japan
日本の伝統色 120 Japan
虹牌油漆 彩虹屋 2232色 2232 Taiwan
青葉油漆 專業色卡 450 Taiwan
青葉油漆 色彩聖靈 1110 Taiwan

3. カスタムカラーコレクションとの照合

The Pico App also enables you to create your own color palettes, and find matches to them later on. This way, you can scan in a range of custom colors, share them with colleagues, and use your new custom color collection as a matching palette.

TM & © 2020 Palette Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

Copic®の名称とロゴはToo Corporation、Japanの登録商標です。Copicの色とのマッチングは、Cubeを使用してキャプチャした色データに依存しており、参照のみを目的としています。
